Due to reasons outside of our control, the venue and times for the Health MOT have changed. Click here to find out more.

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Next Steps

Supporting individuals and local communities is part of our DNA; it's who we are. Along with organising several events in conjunction with the Commonwealth Games, we're also offering a couple of other opportunities. We want to help the whole person: physically, mentally and spiritually.

Study the Bible

Guinness World Records has the Bible as the best-selling book of all time, with there being an estimated 5 to 7 billion copies in circulation. Despite being hundreds and thousands of years old, it's still relevant in the 21st century. It speaks to many of the challenges we're facing.

Those who've studied the Bible have found hope, meaning and contentment. It answers the fundamental questions of who we are, where we came from, and where we are going once we die. Many individuals would love to help you learn more about the Bible, which can be arranged face-to-face or virtually.

Free Bible Studies

Pray for you

Praying has positively impacted many throughout the ages and provided peace in the most challenging circumstances. Sometimes, though, it's overcomplicated and made out to be an archaic ritual. At its core, prayer is a conversation between an individual and God.

Our team is at hand to pray for you, your friends and family and your employees. Confidentially you can share what's burdening you, and we'll pray for you.

Ask For Prayer

Find a church

Loneliness is an epidemic the UK government is seeking to fix, which has been exasperated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our churches are welcoming places for all, irrespective of who you are. There are no requirements, and perfectionism is expected.

Across the West Midlands, there are some 34 Churches with varying demographics. Get in touch and find a local Christian Church you can join.

Find A Church

About Us

Throughout the Commonwealth Games, we're organising several events in the West Midlands to support individuals' wellbeing. The initiative, Commonwealth Health, is the brainchild of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the north of England. Learn more about the initiative.

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